Minutes of the SVCA Board Meeting

June 19, 2002

Meeting called to order at 7:30 p.m. All directors in attendance; Andrew Karlstrom has resigned.

Bob moved the Adoption of the Minutes of May 8th. Second: Phil. Carried.

Action List reviewed:

Bill – Final draft of Constitution and By-laws – not ready, postponed to next meeting.

Bill – email to Committee Representatives explaining parameters – postponed.

Andrew – seek cooperation and commitment from Traffic Committee members – has resigned as Chair.

Michele – Minutes and Action List. Done

Harry – obtain draft copy of Local Seymour Plan (OCP). Done.

Bill presented the Traffic Survey results from the counters in the 800 and 1800 blocks of Riverside Drive for the week of May 8 – 14th. The 85th percentile was 58 Kph in both areas, compared to 64 Kph prior to the Speed Humps. There are still a very small number going between 70 –80 plus Kph, and this is where we must focus our efforts to lower speeds. Since Andrew is gone, Harry agreed to determine the commitment of people on the Traffic Committee, and to reconvene the group as soon as possible. The group can select a new Chair at that time. Phil offered to donate a radar gun to the SVCA, so those members of the Traffic Committee have the tools to implement a neighbourly monitoring plan.

Harry summarized the OCP for Seymour Area: It has an slow development perspective with a 200 unit Senior’s Centre being planned for the gravel pits on Riverside Drive, accessed from Riverside in 2020.

There are information booths at Ron Andrews Pool on Friday and Saturday, June 21,22. Also there is a public hearing on June 25th in Council Chambers at 7:00 p.m. to look at the changing of Open Spaces zoning to 4 distinct categories. The greenbelts between Riverside Drive and Blueridge, and Hogans Pools are slated to be changed to Natural Parkland designation. All directors viewed this favourably. Moved by Phil that one or two directors attend the Tuesday hearing and express the SVCA’s support. Second: Bob. Carried unanimously.

Under other business, Phil raised the concern that temporary parking passes are being issued indiscriminately by the District to fisherman, bikers and others who claim to have a need for one, and no evidence of residency is being requested. Young people appear to be color copying these and passing them on to friends. This came as a surprise to our understanding of the Resident Parking Only designation. Phil moved that he draft a letter be to the District from the SVCA Chair requesting that the District enforce the Resident Parking Only and not issue temporary passes to no-residents, so that the intent of the restrictions cannot be circumvented or abused. A copy of the letter to be circulated to all Directors prior to being sent. Second: Bob. Carried unanimously.

Phil also raised the issue of the locked gate at Pool 88, which has been open for a week since someone took the lock off. A discussion about the history of the stairs and the gate, and kayakers, noise problems, who has keys, etc. followed. Several directors felt the issue should be re-examined by a local resident’s Committee. Moved by Phil that he draft a second letter to the District from the SVCA Chair informing the District of the gate being left open, and requesting that they ask those persons who control keys to the gate to do their best not to abuse the privilege. A copy of the letter to be circulated to all directors prior to being sent. Second: Bob. Carried unanimously.

Moved by Michele that a Committee be struck so that residents can examine all the issues surrounding Pool 88, so that local residents can gain some control over the situation. Second: Ken. Carried unanimously.

Next Meeting at Ken’s at 1554 Riverside Drive, on September 4th, at 7:30 p.m.

Meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.


From March 27th, May 8th, and June 19th

Bill -circulate final revision of Constitution and By-laws for approval next meeting.

Bill -circulate to directors an email draft of message to newly sanctioned SVCA representatives making reference to Article X to explain the parameters of their role, for email approval by directors before sending on to the representatives.

Michele -circulate to directors the Minutes and Action List for next meeting.

Harry -seek re-commitment from Traffic Committee members, or other new members who are interested, and then set a meeting at which a Chair can be selected.

Phil, Bill, Harry -attend June 25th meeting and express SVCA support for Natural Parkland designation on local green spaces.

Phil, Bill -draft two letters to District about temporary parking passes and gate-key privileges. Circulate to Directors. Bill to sign and send.

Michele -form a Pool 88 Review Committee from local or area residents.