Minutes of the SVCA Board Meeting

January 27, 2004

2403 Riverside Drive

Meeting called to order 7:45 p.m.    Michele Payne, Phil Holland, Bill Maurer, and Willy Schuurman in attendance.   Bob Charlton and Ken Reid absent.

 1.  Acceptance of Dec. 16th Minutes.  Moved by Phil; seconded by Michele; accepted unanimously.

 2.  Change to Agenda:  It was resolved to shorten the agenda, and focus on preparation for the AGM.

 3.  Business arising from the Minutes:

            a) Local Road Definitions:  Willy was unable to find them on the District website; this should be                                                                     referred back to the Sidewalk Committee.

            b) Lynnmour Inter-River Plan Contact for SVCA Board:  Bill called Brad, he will consider it.

            c)  Newsletter:  The newsletter was completed and arrived in mailboxes today.

 4.  Cemetery Landfill – Noise Issues:  Willy reported on the GVRD sound testing report which was done in view of the filtration plant project.  The construction noise may be considerable, up to 50 decibels for up to 8 hours a day over the 7 year duration.  It was resolved that we must communicate our community’s sensitivity to such noise levels by meeting with GVRD officials to raise awareness and to discuss noise reduction measures.

 5. AGM Preparation:  It was resolved that:

a)  Bill will get the key and open the Jaycee House location.

b)  Phil will provide the coffee and cookies for refreshments.

c)  Michele will make a sign for lower Riverside for posting approximately one week prior the Feb. 24th and bring the Donations Box.

d)  Willy will ask Bob to chair the meeting, and will arrange for one or two speakers; primarily a GVRD contact to discuss the noise report and Filtration Plant construction, and possibly Riverside road repairs.

e)  All Directors to phone on the Sunday prior to the AGM to get as many members out as possible. Phil will divide up member lists and circulate.

f)  The AGM Agenda will be as follows:            1. Acceptance of Minutes (published on website)

                                                                        2. Election of Board

                                                                        3. Speaker – GVRD; Question / Answer period

                                                                        4. Other Issues or Concerns attendees wish to raise.

                                                                        5. Social.

g)  All Directors to arrive at 6:15 p.m. to set up chairs, tables, etc.


6.  Next meeting:  To be determined by new Board after the AGM.

Meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.