September 30, 2002

SVCA Neighbourhood Plan v1

1.0             INTRODUCTION

The SVCA Neighbourhood Plan boundaries are the same as those for the Seymour Valley Community association which is the Seymour River Valley north of the Seymour Parkway. This includes Riverside Drive, Edgewater Lane, Chapman Way, Treetop Lane, Rivergrove Place, Riverbank Place, Swinburne Ave, Grantham Place, Seymour Blvd, Bow Court, Seymour Court, Heritage Blvd, Tanager Place, and Hilary Place.

This planning document provides more detailed and specific guidelines than the larger Local Plans which intersect our community. When there is a conflict, the Neighbourhood Plan will override the Local Plan for the geographic area it covers.

This document is produced completely by and for the residents of the Seymvour Valley and is maintained by the Seymour Valley Community Association. It is a completely standalone document which may cross-reference sections in the equivalent local plan documents.


Lot subdivision requires notification of the local community or community association which will assess based on environmental impact and character of the neighbourhood.

Riverside Terrace

Alter the primary access to this property to Browning Place and/or Alder Ave. Repatriate Hogans Pools into one contiguous Conservation Area by eliminating the current Riverside Terrace access road (aka Jordan St road allowance) from Riverside Drive. Restrict the development of this property to current zoning which is rs1 1 acre lots. Find a different parcel of land for a Seniors home in another part of Seymour or in one of the multi-family developments planned for Maplewood. Devlopment potential of this property is approximately 12 single family homes. Evaluate feasibility of an equestrian center to help maintain this rapidly disappearing aspect of the North Shore.

4.0             HOUSING & SCHOOLS

Objective 4.1 To maintain and protect existing, stable residential neighbourhoods and housing stock.
Policy 4.1.1 Retain existing zoning in established residential neighbourhoods unless otherwise determined by the neighbourhood itself; ie Seymour Valley, Blueridge, Seymour Heights, McCartney Woods, Windsor Park, Dollarton, Cove Cliff (Map 4)
Objective 4.3 Safeguard lands, natural and built assets for future generations
Policy 4.3.1 Designate District land, suitable sites and other resources for long term housing needs of an aging population and future generations.
Implementation Riverside Terrace (Map 4) will be designated for further study as a potential future site for supportive housing, subject to environmental and transportation issues being addressed.

Remove or replace with:
Riverside Terrace may be developed as a subdivision of approximately 12 single family homes as per current rs1 1 acre zoning. No other use will be considered or permitted.

Photos and Story

Modify section V of table to indicate 12 units for Riverside Terrace as per current zoning.


Objective 5.1 Identify and create alternative access options and facilitate changes to the major road network, in order to improve local conditions.
Policy 5.1.4 Improve safety along major roads for local neighbourhood use.
Implementation Acknowledge sensitive nature of traffic speed on Riverside Drive and continue to monitor on a periodic basis. Establish community based speed reduction programs whenever speed levels become excessive. Increase traffic and parking signage on Riverside Drive and add a community Welcome sign and notice board near the Parkway.
Policy 5.1.6 Facilitate the movement of goods in to and out of the community.
Implementation Review parking on Riverside Drive to facilitate easier access of trucks, emergency vehicles, and street cleaners.
Objective 5.2 A community-focused transportation system that is safe, equitable and inclusive for vehicles, cyclists, pedestrians and transit users.
Policy 5.2.2 Continue to improve accessibility to public transit services, including the provision of alternative transit models.
Implementation Encourage creation of shuttle mini-bus service to Chapman Way when available. Add lighting to trail connecting Rivergrove Place to Blueridge. This trail is the only way for upper Seymour Valley residents to presently access the nearest bus services which are available on Berkley. This trail is not usable at night unless residents bring a flashlight with them.
Policy 5.2.3 Continue to improve the circulation system and facilities for cyclists and pedestrians.

Install bike rack near bus stop at Riverside and the Parkway to facilitate Bike and Ride for children, teens, and adult residents. Maintain shrubbery around sidewalks so that people can easily use without walking on the road. Create handicapped accessible sidewalks along west side of Riverside Drive Restore and maintain the sidewalk on the east side of Riverside from the Parkway to Swinburne.
Policy 5.2.4 Minimize the impact on local neighbourhoods of traffic destined for District and Regional facilities located in Seymour.
Implementation Maintain existing resident only parking restrictions along Riverside Drive in the summer months Apr 15 to Sep 30. Investigate extending parking restrictions further south along Riverside drive (including Swinburne and Edgewater) in summer months.


Objective 6.3 To preserve, restore and enhance natural areas, key habitats and other special areas.
Policy 6.3.2 Preserve and enhance wildlife habitat and corridors.
Implementation Provide a protected wildlife corridor from the Mountain Forest to the Maplewood mudflats. Establish complete Canyon Creek wildlife corridor on both the east and west sides of the Seymour Valley. This provides a corridor between Hyannis Point and Hogans Pools to the east and upper Lilloet road to the parkway on the west. This includes passing NPL zoning for lots identified in Bylaw 6970 ammendments. This also includes establishing NPL zoning for lots 2L05 – P2536, 2L05 – P2076, 2L05 – P20696, and an area under the BC Hydro R/W to the west directly across the river from Swinburne ave which is not currently zoned as NPL. Correct map 2L05 by removing erroneous lots indicated to the SE of Swinburne and Riverside. Establish Seymour River as a wildlife corridor.
Policy 6.3.3 Protect the forested character of Seymour.
Implementation Protect, and allow to remain undisturbed, tracts of wilderness to preserve the overall forested character of Seymour and support present wildlife habitats. Preserve undeveloped forest areas of Mountain and Cove Forests as natural park. Developer and tree companies will conform to required standards for tree protection and preservation in accordance with the District Environmental Protection and Preservation Bylaw (EPPB). Continue to ensure effective protection of trees during land development activities in accordance with the District Environmental Protection and Preservation Bylaw (EPPB).
Objective 6.4 To protect development from natural hazards.
Policy 6.4.2 Work with other jurisdictions and owners to protect development near areas of steep slopes
Implementation Examine the feasibility of a DNV-Provincial Government land exchange agreement to achieve objectives relating to the protection of steep slopes along Riverside Drive.

7.0              PARKS & OPEN SPACE

Objective 7.1 Identify and protect areas having biophysical, environmental, recreational, or historical value.
Policy 7.1.2 Promote environmental protection through the responsible management of recreational access to Seymour's trails, wilderness and waterfront. Acknowledge the environmental importance and sensitivity of Hogan's Pools as a natural area and limit access through designated trails as described in the Hogan's Pools Park Environmental Inventory and Park Concept Plan.

Photos and Story

Objective 7.2 Create linkages between neighbourhoods, parks, community/recreation centres, schools and shopping areas through interconnected parks, warterways and green space.
Policy 7.2.1 Provide connections necessary to complete existing trail systems, respecting environmental considerations and regulations.

Implementation Upgrade the existing Baden-Powell Trail connecting Deep Cove to Grouse Mountain and continue to implement the guidelines of the Baden Powell Trail Study. DNV Parks to consult with trail users to identify priority sections for improvement on a regular basis. Create connecting trails so that the entire Seymour Valley can be circumnavigated via the Canyon Creek corridor. Upgrade the steep sections of the trail connecting Rivergrove Place to Berkley by adding more steps.
Objective 7.3 Maintain and enhance existing park facilities and amenities and plan for new ones to meet current and future park and open space needs
Policy 7.3.1 Maintain and upgrade Seymour's existing parks, trails and open spaces to continue to meet users' needs.
Implementation Investigate a suitable park location and create a playground in the Seymour Valley. Create tennis court(s) so that the park is suitable for use by both children and adults.  
Policy 7.3.2 Identify opportunities for future park, trail or open space development and enhancement, while respecting environmental concerns and regulations.
Implementation Maintain Apr  15 – Sep 30 closure of access to Pool 88.

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Objective 7.4 Improve access and enjoyment for trail and park users while minimizing impacts on local areas.
Policy 7.4.2 Provide sufficient and appropriate parking and amenities to meet park and trail users' needs and protect the surrounding neighbourhoods. Maintain and extend parking restrictions on Upper Riverside Drive to Apr 15 - Sep 30.

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